Pizza, Popsicles, and Board games


Needless to say I am still sick...BAH.  I thought I was getting better, but I had a total relapse tonight.  Although I'm sure this is allergies (cats).  I'm hanging with the god kids tonight so that I can babysit them in the morning.  Let me just say here and now: Caroline Anderson cheats at board games!  :-)

So it's getting to be the end of the year which is the busy season at work :-(  It's been a bit stressful and hectic lately.  Today we got the email early that they were ordering pizza.  SHOOT ME NOW.  It is so freakin hard to make the right choices when the wrong ones are put in front of me constantly.  Even if I didn't have any and just ate the sandwich I brought with me, I would have to smell it all afternoon and watch people eat it.  I quickly shot an email back asking if they were ordering salads too. Yep, I replied all. I will call you out.  Good news: they did. :-)

It was hard though.  That salad was sitting right next to about 8 pizzas.  They looked so greasey and good.  I really wanted to grab a slice with sausage and run back to my desk.  I could have.  One would not kill me, but come on it's halloween weekend.  I think we know what's on the menu.  Pick and choose people.  I already had a nice lunch packed and got a bonus salad.  I'm choosing candy later and our traditional inside-outs (inside out pizza which is pure heaven...but I'll tell you more about that after Halloween night).

My dinner got canceled as the little boy that gave me this sickness is still sick too.  I considered stopping at Panera for a bowl of would taste so good, but went home instead.  I packed my bag, grabbed some dinner, finished reading my book, and headed over to play with the munchkins (who are almost as tall as me now).

So here I am still sick and my throat hurts.  I have full permission from my mom to get some popsicles.  They do have some pretty good sugar-free ones.  The whole time we were playing the board game tonight my brain became obsessed with going out for ice cream or a frosty. I mean OBSESSED.  I could barely focus on the game at hand (which is probably how she was able to cheat so much).  I somehow made it through and the craving passed.  Crisis averted.

I'd like to give a shout out right now to Kristin.  You may know her as Daddy-Long-Legs.  When I got to the house tonight there was a surprise waiting for me.  She got me one of those insulated clear cups with the straw.  It says: Hydrate-a-holic :-)  Hydrate!  Hydrate!  Hydrate!  I cannot stress that enough.  It's important normally, but it's been extra important this week being sick.

I would love to walk tomorrow, but since I am still sick and we are expecting snow I should probably not try. (SNOW?????????????)  I will lift weights and work my abs.  I have to do something.  I really really REALLY miss walking.  REALLY miss it.  Maybe I will try for some yoga tomorrow.  It would be good for my muscles too.  Oh that sounds so good.  I think it's a plan.

Before I go, let me just leave you with this thought.  Halloween is this Monday. If you give out candy and haven't bought any yet (or bought it and ate it already): get a bag of candy you wouldn't eat.  For me it would be sweet tarts, smarties, sour patch, skittles, etc. Kids still love them and I know I would not finish them off.  Now cover them in chocolate and I'll push your grandmother in the street to get to them.  I seriously need to see someone about my chocolate addiction.

Okay peeps, I need some sleep.  Peace out.

****Please note****

If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you!  Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week.  The journey is so much easier if you have support.


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