
Showing posts from January, 2012

Tales from the Gym...

Belly Dancing...I look like a wet noodle

"I'm too busy to exercise"

Sleeping in throws my whole day off...BAH!

Finding balance through lunch

My biggest frustration...."half-assing it"

Biggest Loser - Week 4

I'm not a professional, but I do write a blog.

Who has a case of the Mondays? I DO! I DO!

To go to the gym or not to go to the gym...that is the question

Snow...Memorial Service...Dinner Party...Get me to a Gym!

I drank lettuce today...and I liked it

Why must there be so many fast food joints by gyms?

Biggest Loser - Week 3 (Face Off)

A walking buddy and gym buddy in the same day! IT'S A GOOD DAY!

Hair- Part Deux

Fat Girls and Hair

Altering my Workouts...and a little Soap Box Time

Breakfast at Tiffany's...well more like lunch