
Showing posts from November, 2011

Buon Italian dinner a week after Thanksgiving? This is torture.

Biggest Loser - Episode 11

Victoria's Secret...and some boobie talk

Eat, Poop, Walk, Blog...

Biggest Loser - Episode 10

Recovering from Thanksgiving

Quite possibly my healthiest Thanksgiving Ever :-)

Holiday Traveling

Walking 101

Thanksgiving Dinner - A Good Plan and The Ugly Numbers

A good day with the Brain: Planning ahead


Biggest Loser - Episode 9

Tips for the Holidays

That cookie isn't going to love you back...

Thanksgiving Trial Run

Oh yeah, it was an 8 mile Thursday...GO ME!

One hour alone with my brain

Biggest Loser - Episode 8

If you buy it then you will eat it!

Dare I dream...Is there a NYC marathon in my future?

Dear Guy had me at Mac'N'Cheese!