Random Wednesday on a Thursday!

Hey there Bleepies!

Sorry that I missed Random Wednesday yesterday.  It was an unexpectedly busy day and then after work I had a Church dinner/discussion.  I didn't get home until much later than usual and I just did not have it in me to log on to the computer. My brain needed a rest.

So yesterday was a little crazy because my day started very stiff and sore. I had a really really good run the night before. I got the water massage after instead of my usual stretching. That was not enough. I needed to stretch in the morning. I was just about to text Ms. Kerri that I would be a little late when she texted me that she was sick and unable to work. DOH!  No time to stretch. I must hustle out the door.

My day was thrown off and I really wasn't paying attention. It was 10am before I forced myself to go to my first bathroom break. That is WAY off schedule for me. I should be on my 2nd one by then at least!

I forgot to mention in my Ode To Cheese post the other day: Mozzarella Sticks! Seriously, if there was an eating contest for them, I am 100% sure I would win. My brain and my body do not agree on this at all. I want more!  I know how bad I will feel, but my body does not care. It want's more!


Good news! There is another Gym Crush. Originally I had pegged this one guy as a crush, but it didn't stick so he's out. haha. I don't know what to nickname this one.  I'll just call him Gym Crush Babe. I like that he's equal with his weights and cardio. That's a great combo for me.

The other night he made the approach while I was on a water break from my long distance run and I didn't really process it until I was turning to head back to the treadmill. DOH. I hope that doesn't change his interest. I just can't mess with training days.  Just over two weeks to go!


So even though I was really stiff and sore yesterday, there was one thing that kept me from working from home. We had a planned lunch out: California Pizza Kitchen!  I have been drooling over this for a week. Now, let me say ahead of time, that 20% of our bill was going to charity.

I had my eye on this Artichoke and Spinach pizza with chicken. My eyes were drawn to the picture. My mouth salivated at the description. My head is screaming: NO, get something with less calories!  But, as we sat there nothing else made my heart skip a beat like this did. The price made me hesitate, but I realized that if I only ate half and saved the other half for lunch today then it wouldn't be a bad price for two meals.

I got it.

OMG! So yummy. And I needn't worry. I only ate half. I considered putting the other half in the fridge at work, but I didn't trust that someone wouldn't see the box and steal it. So I immediately put it in my car...DOH!  My car has smelled like spinach and artichoke pizza for a day now.


So um when I was down at Dad's this weekend they sent me home with some caramel corn. We HEART Fishers popcorn. If you bring back your plastic containers you get a discount...so we have several in each size. I didn't even fill my small one half way so I didn't have That much...but um...I finished it off between Sunday night and Monday after book club. ARGH.


Last night's dinner at church was soup. It was tasty and I had a bowl of each. It was yummy and I was happy. This morning when I got in my car to head to work it was like my belly was "The Pit of Despair". I could not have been hungrier. And I have an hours drive. I didn't think I was going to make it. I was going to need to stop and pick up something to eat. I didn't care if I was late. I couldn't focus. My belly was so hungry it actually hurt. I took some swigs of water and filled it that way. I made it to work and immediatly ate my breakfast. Usually I have a protein bar with me, but it was in my trunk.


I have watched The Biggest Loser and I took my notes. I will type it up after I post this. Usually it takes me a couple of hours to type them so I wanted to get my quick randomness out while I could.


Today's yoga class was a little small. There was a big presentation going on across the hall. They even had food outside in the hall for them. You know, there's nothing like yoga when you can smell food right there. BAH!

Class was good. It was very Back oriented. That was good. I could always use that. Our big challenge was assisted backbends. I attempted, but I coudln't get very far. My body is so tight from my weights and my back is a tad crooked. I wish I could have. I can do it if I ease into it on my yoga ball, but I can't just lean back into it from the standing position.

After class it was a free for all for the food. I grabbed a half of a turkey sandwhich, a half of a veggie wrap, some pasta salad, and a cookie.

Good news!  My leftover pizza is now my dinner!

The original plan was to hit the gym tonight. But, Gym Buddy Lisa is still sick. Plus I really played around with my back in yoga. I really needed an oil change. So instead I went to get one tonight. If I had been planning ahead on this I would have brought my study material. It's the perfect time for it, but instead I could just read my book. Oh well, since that's one less thing I have to do this weekend that's another hour that I can spend at the library!

The Good news is that I had my flashcards with me so I studied that while I was waiting. YEAH.

And speaking of studying. I was talking with Former Work Husband Phil the other day about studying the anatomy chapter. He suggested that I pick two muscles a day and try to work them into casual conversation.  So these are our last texts:

FWHP: I did pushups this morning. I could really feel it in my latissimus dorsi.

Me: Thanks!  I ran # miles in # hours and my glutius maximus is in pain.

FWHP: See! Two muscles mentioned today.

I heart FWHP!  I miss him so.


Have a Blessed Night.

Don't forget my Fundraising for Autism Research:


****Please note****

If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.



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