
Showing posts from April, 2013

May: my make or break month

Sleep: Up All Night

Goldilocks and the 2 Grandmoms

Flashback Friday: Eat, Poop, Walk, Blog...

2013 Health & Fitness Competition: Initial Assessment

Random Wednesday: Challenge ON!

If you've never been fat, you have no idea...

Weekend recap: 5K, lean pockets, and Studying

Why is it so hard to put my dreams first?

Flashback Friday: Even Senior Citizens passed me in the park today

Growth Spurt at my age?

Random Wednesday: Has it been a week already?

Thin Mint 5K

Stress Eating: Reacting to the Tragedy at the Boston Marathon

Negotiating with Myself

Flashback Friday: The Addiction

Stress: gotta make changes before I snap

Random Wednesday: Bagels, Sunshine, Vultures, and Tea