
Showing posts from May, 2012

Magic-8 Ball and Boys

Wednesday Randomness

Revealing secret desires in Boot Camp

Memorial Day Weekend: 5K and Graduation Party

Bikinis, Butt Machines, and Half Marathons

A day at the Ballpark with my Daddy

Boot Camp - I was the only one at class...No Pressure!

Love is in the Air...

Resisting Temptation...or did I?

Shocking Headlines!

It's all about planning ahead...with a side of Chick-fil-a

Taken down by a cereal box top...DOH

To go to the gym or not go to the gym...that is the question

Mother's Day BBQ....YUM

Getting mad at myself!

Happy Birthday To Me!

Indoor Boot Camp = big giant sweaty mess

Beware: Days of Rest are Contagious

Margarita Madness...and I don't regret it one bit!