I'm a Hot Mess!

Happy Monday Bleeps!

My body hurts. My foot is just really bothering me and now I have a pulled muscle in my shoulder.  I am a mess. A hot mess I tell you!

Right now I have to be very smart about my workouts. I am moving on the weekends and I can't afford to injure myself any further. Technically I am not going to the gym on the weekends right now, but that does not mean I am not getting a workout. I am spending an hour or two carrying stuff down the steps to my car. Then when I get to the new place I am spending another hour carrying it in and down the steps to the basement. I'm so looking forward to then carrying everything up the basement steps to the second floor. hahaha. NOT.

Walking down the stairs and putting pressure on my stupid injured foot (formerly the good foot) is hurting. Plus my hands are generally full so I have nothing to brace myself should I stumble or fall. I'm taking my time on the stairs and not rushing it.

I am a lot stronger than I was for my previous move and I know that I have packed some boxes and bins fairly full. They are mighty heavy.  I would like to thank my little helpers for all of their help carrying stuff in from the car.  But, I am constantly screaming "That's too heavy!  Don't worry about that, I'll get it."  Which is great in theory, but then I am not getting the smaller loads for a little rest in between.  Note to self: next time pack them lighter.

And now today my neck is feeling it. I have pulled my trapezius muscle. I bascially cannot rotate my head all of the way to the left nor can I tilt it down to my left shoulder. I took an muscle relaxer earlier today and it is doing nothing to help. Luckily, I have not moved my heating pad to the new place yet. YEAH.

So it's Monday and I'm trying to plan out my week. Wednesday I am going to another of my cousin's Field Hockey games. I love that her team comes up by me to play. So convenient. haha.  So that is my scheduled day of Rest. And I need it. I haven't had once since last Friday. I am way overdue. Actually, I am also resting today. I was driving home planning on going to the gym, but my neck and foot hurt.  I really wanted to go.  I don't have too many days left to see Gym Crush 1, but it's no good if I hurt myself more and have to look at him sideways.  So we have a bonus day of rest this week. 

I will use my extra time to pack another bin, soak my foot, and put a heating pad on my neck. Next weekend I am busy two nights and then I am going away for a 3 day weekend (Food show in DC...HOLLA!).  I need some down time.  I have to think ahead.
I have lunch plans tomorrow with Ms. Lety and hopefully Ms. Barb. We are going to Baja Fresh...I have been fantasizing about the salsa and chips for days now. I can hardly wait. The plan is to get the vegetarian burrito and save half for dinner. But, I may go crazy when I get there and order something else. I should write it down now and just hand them a note when I get there. I hope they don't think I'm trying to rob the place.

Wednesday night I was thinking that I don't have to worry about dinner because I will eat at the tailgate after the game, but the game doesn't start until 7pm. I will eat small children if I have to wait until 9pm to eat dinner. So I may need to hit Subway for some dinner before I go. And since it will be a late night, I will get a foot long and have half for dinner and half for lunch the next day.

I'm sure by now you are saying "Who the heck cares?" But, this is my life now. I can't just figure it out as I go along. If I am going to maintain this healthy lifestyle, it involves planning ahead.  Otherwise I will start eating out every night and skipping my workouts. And all of this hard work will have been for nothing.  No Thank You!  I am not going to let that happen.

Have a Blessed Night my friends.

PS - I'm now on instagram: Jennie5973

Check out my Facebook Page for Confessions (there are before and work-in-progress pictures):


yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)


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