Flashback Friday: Diet Is a Four-Letter Word

Flashback Friday:  Diet Is a Four-Letter Word

Now that I'm not crazy busy with studying I will be cutting back on my Flashback Friday's to once a month, but I couldn't this week go without acknowledging something. I almost missed it. The day after I passed my exam was my 2 year anniversary with the Blog. It's kind of cool how that worked out. 

Wow, two years.  So much has happened. I thought I had changed my life so much when I started the blog. Little did I know just how much more I was in for in such a short time.  In two weeks I will compete in my 5th Half Marathon. I am now legally certified to physically train people for working out. The only thing left now is for Tony Stewart to finally call me!  Hey Tony, CALL ME! :-)

So in honor of Flashback Friday I thought I would go back to the beginning. This is the first post that started it all.

Diet Is a Four-Letter Word

 Just like every fat girl has a skinny girl trying to get out, I have a fat story trying to get out.  They say "write what you know". Well I know fat.

My entire life I have been at war with my weight.  I've won a few battles, but mostly my evil enemy has beaten me time and time again. I am finally winning, but I still have a long road ahead of me.  So here is my story:

My name is Jennie.  I am 38 years old.  I have been overweight for as long as I can remember.  Although I recently saw a picture of me when I was about five years old and I was as skinny as can be.  That made me cry.  In grade-school and high-school I was just overweight.  When I went off to college I started to get fat.  I apparently liked the freshman fifteen so much that I repeated it every year.  Since college it's been a roller coaster and it's been mostly up hill.  I did have a few years when I dropped down.  I spent one year working in NYC and walked everywhere.  I looked pretty good then, but still couldn't lose the belly. As soon as I left, I ballooned up again.

Six years ago things changed for me.  I had just suffered serious heartbreak and my office-mate was preparing to get married.  So to support her I joined the gym with her through work.  I'll discuss that first week later, because that was a hoot. I became addicted.  We initially started going together and then I was going every day on my own.  I couldn't get enough.  The weight was coming off and I was feeling good.  What I didn't know then is that I was still a moron when it came to nutrition.  I could have lost so much more if only I had eaten right.  I wasn't eating horrible, I just wasn't eating what I should.

Fast forward a couple years and there was a follow-up heartbreak.  This one was even worse.  I couldn't breathe anymore and I had to move back north.  That meant leaving my gym. So here I was heartbroken and without a gym.  I walked as much as I could for the first couple months and seemed to be doing well.  And then then not so much.  The weight started to come back.  Great!  Now I was heartbroken and fat again.  I made the decision in November to start the South Beach Diet.  Because it's always best to start a new diet routine right before Thanksgiving.  But I was seeing results. I couldn't believe it.  Sure, I thought I was going to die and go into sugar-withdrawal, but it was making a difference.

So I had seen results with the gym and I had seen results with nutrition, but not together.  I'm still working on that.  It's been almost 4 years since then and I've been up and down so many times.  My emotions take over and I can't help it.

I am hoping that this journey together will help.  I am hoping it will help me heal and maybe help others to know they aren't alone.  If I can help inspire one person change their lifestyle then it will be a victory well won :-)

Have a Blessed Night.

Check out my Facebook Page for Confessions (there are before and work-in-progress pictures):


yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: hugsnsmile

Instagram: Jennie5973

Fundraising for http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/jennifer-henderson-6/RNRPhilly13


  1. Hi Jennie,
    Im a long time reader… first time poster. I felt that after reading and trying weight loss technics over the past couple years online and finally finding something that gave me some results. Although i wouldn't really say I was "obese" per say, I was still not happy with the way I looked. I felt being 5'4 , that 140 lbs a little unhealthy, having said that, I began almost every crazy diet and workout routine that I could find online. All they did was make me feel like a failure when I missed a day of working out or having a piece of cake at a friends wedding. I regularly fluctuated between 135-140 lbs, a far cry from the 105 i was in high school. To make a long story short, I began feeling I was stuck in a weight-loss hamster wheel until I saw this segment on Dr. Oz about a year ago (heres the actual segment on youtube http://youtu.be/d4pmK7rh4dU ) about this green coffee bean extract. Initially it went in one ear and out the other, until one day i was browsing online and saw a site that was giving away a risk free trial ( 'ill list the site in my sig so i don't feel like a pill pusher lol) I though to myself after all the time and cash i invested in other diet programs what did i have to lose? Well I received the free trial about a week after I order it, one of the boasts was I didn't have to do any crazy workouts or live off raw veggies and water. The way it works is it speeds up your metabolism. At first it was slow, I lost about 2 lbs a week. After I lost about 10 lbs I downloaded a calorie counter on my iphone, and within 90 days, I was down to 120 lbs , and just last month I reached my goal of 115 yay me :) Anyway, sorry to ramble, but I hope that someone finds some inspiration in my journey the same way I have… Good luck everyone ;)
    BTW the site that is giving out the free trial of the green coffee bean is www.vitamina2k.com


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