The Never Ending a good and bad week is never ending!
I hate when everyone is preparing for a long weekend and I'm all caught. I know that sounds bad, but when I have nothing to do I get bored. And when I get bored, I get hungry. No, I think about filling that time with food. I don't know if it's a learned behavior or not. But, I don't like it. All I have wanted to do all day is eat. And I am not actually hungry.
And this is not the week for that.
I already confessed to the Magnum ice cream bars...yeah, they are gone. But not forgotten! They left some parting gifts...argh...freakin pimples. It's my punishment. I know it. I have a bunch of big giant pimples on my face that of course in my study stress I picked at. So not attractive. You would think I would know better by now. ARGH!
Well monday was my good day. Tuesday I had lunch plans with Ms. Barb and Fitness Competition Arch Nemesis Ryan. We were all over the place trying to decide where to go and then I had a brilliant idea. Let's go to the mall food court cause I wanted some Bourbon Chicken! I would get it with two sides of veggies instead of one veggie and one rice. So good, but so heavy in my belly.
When I made this plan I forgot why I stopped going there...I like to people watch normally, but not while I am eating...and the food court at the mall is not a good place. Too much spandex I tell you! Spandex should be reserved for working out not for your mall outfit. But I get it, it's comfortable. Not everything that looks good is comfy and not everything that is comfy looks good. It was horrible to watch some of these girls piling their plates with food. I believe this might have been the quietest I have ever been at lunch. It was hard to take in.
Usually I try to limit my eating out to once a week, but yesterday Ms. Tracey asked if I wanted to go out today. Sure. So that gave me two study lunches and two lunches out this week. Tomorrow is a half day for me so I'm not counting that. Originally we decided on Baja Fresh. My immediate thought was YUM! And then the dread came. Could I resist the chips and salsa? What would I have that would fuel me up for the gym? Well I didn't have to worry, Baja got pushed back til next week. But, we were still going out to lunch.
We were in the car driving before we came up with a place...a dangerous plan when you are hungry. Peace A Pizza won. I would get a slice and a half salad. The salad was good: Pear and gorgonzola. The slice was yummie! Fresh mozzarella, tomato, and basil. I saw the pesto one after I placed my order. DOH.
The drinks there have changed. The soda fountain doesn't carry coke or pepsi any more. They have New Hope Premium Fountain. It's an interesting concept, but I am not sure if I buy it. No phosphoric acid or fructose corn syrup. That's good. But they stress how they are bottle free and help the environment. Except that the cups they provide are plastic and a Recycle number 5, which not everyone can do. So the drink itself may actually be healthier, but still trying to figure if it's just a marketing ploy. In any case, the "skinny root beer" was good.
One of the best parts about eating at Peace A Pizza is their cookies...oh their cookies. I wanted one soooo bad, but I have had my share of ice cream bars this week. Plus, today is cake day for Ms. Barb. She cut it and brought me over a piece of coconut. It's the only way it could go down. The cake cutting was at 2...and it took 15 minutes. I sat at my desk silently freaking out "What is going on? Why haven't they cut the cake yet? I am pretty sure one is coconut...omg COCONUT!" Basically, no work will get done until this cake is cut at this point. When I say that I can't focus, it ain't no lie! If I had gone over for the cutting, I'm fairly certain people might have gotten hurt. I had a small sliver of cake and everyone made it out alive. Good deal.
My original plan was to stop for a turkey on whole wheat hoagie after the gym tonight since I have to pack. But, I've eaten out twice this week and I am heading out of town tomorrow so I think that is off of the table.
So let's talk workouts. It's been a good and exhausting week. Monday I hit no traffic. So my 60 minute run turned into a 90 minute run. I was a puddle when it was over, but oh did it feel good. It was a pretty good pace for me too. Then I had to think ahead. I wanted to do weights, but I needed to figure out my next run day too.
I opted for leg weights on Tuesday. Now on Monday while I was studying I was studying about assessments. Most people do not do the max weight that they can. I was doing the calculations for my legs and I was at fair. That blew me away. WHAT? How? I should be so much higher. So I upped my weights on every machine and added some wall squats. I felt like a beast! I was soooooo proud of myself. And you wanna know something? I could have gone higher! Those weights put me in the Good category. I want Excellent! Then Superior.
Last night I did upper body. I went up on a few, but not all. My shoulder was still a little sore from Habitat for Humanity so I didn't want to injure it. I started on the Pulldown for my back. I like to do the Row first, but these two cheeseballs were sitting there hogging them. I did three sets before they even did one. When they finally got off I got on and found that the one guy was using the same weights as me. Come on dude! Pick it up!
My workout from Tuesday was so good that my butt has been uber sore today...go me! My upper body is a little sore too, but not bad. I pushed it this week and it felt Great! My plan for tonight is cardio only. That is, if I make it to the gym. I still need to pack and I'm anticipating a lot of traffic (thursdays are worse than fridays in the summer and there is an Eagles game and a Phillies game). I may never get home. If I am sitting forever then I will just go home and make sure I stretch.
****Please note****
If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.
I hate when everyone is preparing for a long weekend and I'm all caught. I know that sounds bad, but when I have nothing to do I get bored. And when I get bored, I get hungry. No, I think about filling that time with food. I don't know if it's a learned behavior or not. But, I don't like it. All I have wanted to do all day is eat. And I am not actually hungry.
And this is not the week for that.
I already confessed to the Magnum ice cream bars...yeah, they are gone. But not forgotten! They left some parting gifts...argh...freakin pimples. It's my punishment. I know it. I have a bunch of big giant pimples on my face that of course in my study stress I picked at. So not attractive. You would think I would know better by now. ARGH!
Well monday was my good day. Tuesday I had lunch plans with Ms. Barb and Fitness Competition Arch Nemesis Ryan. We were all over the place trying to decide where to go and then I had a brilliant idea. Let's go to the mall food court cause I wanted some Bourbon Chicken! I would get it with two sides of veggies instead of one veggie and one rice. So good, but so heavy in my belly.
When I made this plan I forgot why I stopped going there...I like to people watch normally, but not while I am eating...and the food court at the mall is not a good place. Too much spandex I tell you! Spandex should be reserved for working out not for your mall outfit. But I get it, it's comfortable. Not everything that looks good is comfy and not everything that is comfy looks good. It was horrible to watch some of these girls piling their plates with food. I believe this might have been the quietest I have ever been at lunch. It was hard to take in.
Usually I try to limit my eating out to once a week, but yesterday Ms. Tracey asked if I wanted to go out today. Sure. So that gave me two study lunches and two lunches out this week. Tomorrow is a half day for me so I'm not counting that. Originally we decided on Baja Fresh. My immediate thought was YUM! And then the dread came. Could I resist the chips and salsa? What would I have that would fuel me up for the gym? Well I didn't have to worry, Baja got pushed back til next week. But, we were still going out to lunch.
We were in the car driving before we came up with a place...a dangerous plan when you are hungry. Peace A Pizza won. I would get a slice and a half salad. The salad was good: Pear and gorgonzola. The slice was yummie! Fresh mozzarella, tomato, and basil. I saw the pesto one after I placed my order. DOH.
The drinks there have changed. The soda fountain doesn't carry coke or pepsi any more. They have New Hope Premium Fountain. It's an interesting concept, but I am not sure if I buy it. No phosphoric acid or fructose corn syrup. That's good. But they stress how they are bottle free and help the environment. Except that the cups they provide are plastic and a Recycle number 5, which not everyone can do. So the drink itself may actually be healthier, but still trying to figure if it's just a marketing ploy. In any case, the "skinny root beer" was good.
One of the best parts about eating at Peace A Pizza is their cookies...oh their cookies. I wanted one soooo bad, but I have had my share of ice cream bars this week. Plus, today is cake day for Ms. Barb. She cut it and brought me over a piece of coconut. It's the only way it could go down. The cake cutting was at 2...and it took 15 minutes. I sat at my desk silently freaking out "What is going on? Why haven't they cut the cake yet? I am pretty sure one is coconut...omg COCONUT!" Basically, no work will get done until this cake is cut at this point. When I say that I can't focus, it ain't no lie! If I had gone over for the cutting, I'm fairly certain people might have gotten hurt. I had a small sliver of cake and everyone made it out alive. Good deal.
My original plan was to stop for a turkey on whole wheat hoagie after the gym tonight since I have to pack. But, I've eaten out twice this week and I am heading out of town tomorrow so I think that is off of the table.
So let's talk workouts. It's been a good and exhausting week. Monday I hit no traffic. So my 60 minute run turned into a 90 minute run. I was a puddle when it was over, but oh did it feel good. It was a pretty good pace for me too. Then I had to think ahead. I wanted to do weights, but I needed to figure out my next run day too.
I opted for leg weights on Tuesday. Now on Monday while I was studying I was studying about assessments. Most people do not do the max weight that they can. I was doing the calculations for my legs and I was at fair. That blew me away. WHAT? How? I should be so much higher. So I upped my weights on every machine and added some wall squats. I felt like a beast! I was soooooo proud of myself. And you wanna know something? I could have gone higher! Those weights put me in the Good category. I want Excellent! Then Superior.
Last night I did upper body. I went up on a few, but not all. My shoulder was still a little sore from Habitat for Humanity so I didn't want to injure it. I started on the Pulldown for my back. I like to do the Row first, but these two cheeseballs were sitting there hogging them. I did three sets before they even did one. When they finally got off I got on and found that the one guy was using the same weights as me. Come on dude! Pick it up!
My workout from Tuesday was so good that my butt has been uber sore today...go me! My upper body is a little sore too, but not bad. I pushed it this week and it felt Great! My plan for tonight is cardio only. That is, if I make it to the gym. I still need to pack and I'm anticipating a lot of traffic (thursdays are worse than fridays in the summer and there is an Eagles game and a Phillies game). I may never get home. If I am sitting forever then I will just go home and make sure I stretch.
****Please note****
If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.
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