Stalking Gym Crush 2 by accident...I swear!
Hello my Lovelies and Gents,
Okay so I have a lot to talk about. I had to keep quiet about my weekend plans because today was a surprise wedding shower for my beautiful cousin Lindsay. We have been keeping this a surprise for months and I was afraid I would slip and say something. Although truth be told, everyone had money on Grandma to say something. haha Sorry Grandmom Joyce.
Well let's go back to Friday first. I went to the gym after work and was planning on doing a little running. I know that was a bad idea as I did leg weights the night before and the plan was for some big running on Saturday. So I altered my plan. The gym was fairly empty, although Gym Crush 2 was there with his son. I had a bad feeling. When I decided to change my workout plans I knew what was going to happen. It was going to look like I was stalking him. I decided to quit my treadmill after 15 minutes. Any longer and I would be tempted to really take off running. It just so happens that that coincided with them ending their cardio.
So I walked over and got on the deltoid/row machine. It's a great option for the back and uses almost all of your back muscles. Naturally it put me in line to look directly at #2. Oh and did I mention that #1 was there also and had just gone on the chest machine behind the Deltoid/row? Sensory overload I tell you! But no. I crank up my music and I am all focus when it comes to my weights. So much so that I upped my weights by 10. Heck yeah!
Next up I went over to the Chest/fly. It got me away from them for a know to throw them off of the stalker scent. I went hard on that and my boobs hurt almost immediately. But, there was no time to rest. Up next: the dreaded shoulder machine...which just happened to be facing #2 who was at my Deltoid/row machine (hope that he was impressed by my weights haha). I focused hard and nailed my shoulders. WOO WOO.
After shoulders I do triceps. Except two bozos were just sitting there playing on their phones instead of actually doing anything. BAH! I didn't want to move to biceps and go out of order so I thought I would jump on an Abs machine while I waited. Of course the only one open was right next to #2 who now had his son working on my favorite Bad Ass Butt machine. I do believe I turned spaztastic at that point. I got so focused and really didn't want him to think I was stalking him (although I was happy at these coincidences). He was just about 3 feet from me and I focused so hard on one spot on the wall that if you tried to turn my head to look at him I think you would have broken my neck.
Soon the bozos were off of the triceps and I jumped off the abs and ran over. I love this machine. It has definitely helped sculpt my arms and strengthened them to make the shoulders and back easier. When I was done the bozos were on the biceps. By this time my blood sugar was dropping fast. So I decided to call it a night. Besides, I used the biceps on the row and fly too.
I was eating my protein bar when I got in my car. I felt immediately better, but I still had to figure out dinner. So I decided to stop at the grocery store in the same shopping center as the gym. Guess who was there! Yep #2 and his son. I SWEAR I WAS NOT STALKING...on purpose...another happy accident. But, my legs were practically knocking together because my sugar was so low that I couldn't even enjoy it and say hi. Oh well...there's always next week.
So Saturday was my first day with no plans in a while...except that I did have plans. I needed to get in a good 8-10 walk/run and I needed to do some studying. I did let myself sleep in a little. Usually I hate cardio on Saturday mornings because all that is on the TVs are the stupid Doodlebops. But, it's Olympics time baby! So I ran to the treadmill by the NBC tv (and conveniently the fan). At first I was just going to walk the whole thing. I hadn't done 10 in a long time and I wanted to just get my body ready. So I started reading and then after one mile I changed my mind. So I ran for the next 3. I was going to just walk the rest, but something took over and I wanted to see if my knees were better conditioned. Usually I can't run again after stopping. But, after 2 miles I think that gave it a little extra stretching. I took off, but at a slightly slower pace. I put in 3 more miles. During my last mile of walking my toes started to hurt and I opted to stop at my 10 miles (I had considered going for 12). Two big things happened during that last mile.
The first was that I saw my time. I had shaved 30 minutes off of my original 10 mile time. I choked back a sob. I think I scared the poor girl next to me. I have really come sooooo far.
The second was that the moment that I have been waiting for during the Olympics was about to start. Oscar Pistorius was about to qualify for the 400 (one lap around the track). For those of you who don't know, Oscar is a double amputee. He has competed and won in the paralympics, but has been fighting to compete in the World Olympics for 4 years. After they determined that the special prosthetics he wears do not actually provide an advantage, he is ready to compete. Truly inspiring he came in second in his heat. I was so excited for him that I almost fell off of the treadmill.
So when I was done I opted for a spin in the massage chair. I was still a little sore from Friday night's workout. It was a good plan in theory, except that I was so tired that I just sat in the chair for an extra 5 minutes because I couldn't get up.
Soon I was running home for a shower. I grabbed some lunch and then headed to Starbucks. It was time to sit down and focus. I have a new plan. I want to train hard for the Half, but there's something I want a little more. I want that certification! I want it NOW! So the plan has been pushed up. I am aiming for certification in October. That will give me a couple of months to get into a rhythm before the whole New Year's Resolution craze hits. I could also use the extra money to go visit my brother and sister-in-law during the holidays and meet my soon to be nephew. It's a good plan. I just need to get crackin.
I put in 2 and half hours and then my brain stopped working. It just kind of went on fuzzy. So I packed up and headed out for some groceries and then home to relax. I had wanted to start my Anatomy flash cards, but I had nothing left at that point. And I'm going to need them. I am completely fascinated by the complexity of the human body. Only God could create something this crazy haha.
Alright kids, it's been a long day and I am ready to watch some Track and Field. Have a Blessed Night.
Check out my Facebook Page for Confessions (there are before and work-in-progress pictures):
yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: @hugsnsmile
Okay so I have a lot to talk about. I had to keep quiet about my weekend plans because today was a surprise wedding shower for my beautiful cousin Lindsay. We have been keeping this a surprise for months and I was afraid I would slip and say something. Although truth be told, everyone had money on Grandma to say something. haha Sorry Grandmom Joyce.
Well let's go back to Friday first. I went to the gym after work and was planning on doing a little running. I know that was a bad idea as I did leg weights the night before and the plan was for some big running on Saturday. So I altered my plan. The gym was fairly empty, although Gym Crush 2 was there with his son. I had a bad feeling. When I decided to change my workout plans I knew what was going to happen. It was going to look like I was stalking him. I decided to quit my treadmill after 15 minutes. Any longer and I would be tempted to really take off running. It just so happens that that coincided with them ending their cardio.
So I walked over and got on the deltoid/row machine. It's a great option for the back and uses almost all of your back muscles. Naturally it put me in line to look directly at #2. Oh and did I mention that #1 was there also and had just gone on the chest machine behind the Deltoid/row? Sensory overload I tell you! But no. I crank up my music and I am all focus when it comes to my weights. So much so that I upped my weights by 10. Heck yeah!
Next up I went over to the Chest/fly. It got me away from them for a know to throw them off of the stalker scent. I went hard on that and my boobs hurt almost immediately. But, there was no time to rest. Up next: the dreaded shoulder machine...which just happened to be facing #2 who was at my Deltoid/row machine (hope that he was impressed by my weights haha). I focused hard and nailed my shoulders. WOO WOO.
After shoulders I do triceps. Except two bozos were just sitting there playing on their phones instead of actually doing anything. BAH! I didn't want to move to biceps and go out of order so I thought I would jump on an Abs machine while I waited. Of course the only one open was right next to #2 who now had his son working on my favorite Bad Ass Butt machine. I do believe I turned spaztastic at that point. I got so focused and really didn't want him to think I was stalking him (although I was happy at these coincidences). He was just about 3 feet from me and I focused so hard on one spot on the wall that if you tried to turn my head to look at him I think you would have broken my neck.
Soon the bozos were off of the triceps and I jumped off the abs and ran over. I love this machine. It has definitely helped sculpt my arms and strengthened them to make the shoulders and back easier. When I was done the bozos were on the biceps. By this time my blood sugar was dropping fast. So I decided to call it a night. Besides, I used the biceps on the row and fly too.
I was eating my protein bar when I got in my car. I felt immediately better, but I still had to figure out dinner. So I decided to stop at the grocery store in the same shopping center as the gym. Guess who was there! Yep #2 and his son. I SWEAR I WAS NOT STALKING...on purpose...another happy accident. But, my legs were practically knocking together because my sugar was so low that I couldn't even enjoy it and say hi. Oh well...there's always next week.
So Saturday was my first day with no plans in a while...except that I did have plans. I needed to get in a good 8-10 walk/run and I needed to do some studying. I did let myself sleep in a little. Usually I hate cardio on Saturday mornings because all that is on the TVs are the stupid Doodlebops. But, it's Olympics time baby! So I ran to the treadmill by the NBC tv (and conveniently the fan). At first I was just going to walk the whole thing. I hadn't done 10 in a long time and I wanted to just get my body ready. So I started reading and then after one mile I changed my mind. So I ran for the next 3. I was going to just walk the rest, but something took over and I wanted to see if my knees were better conditioned. Usually I can't run again after stopping. But, after 2 miles I think that gave it a little extra stretching. I took off, but at a slightly slower pace. I put in 3 more miles. During my last mile of walking my toes started to hurt and I opted to stop at my 10 miles (I had considered going for 12). Two big things happened during that last mile.
The first was that I saw my time. I had shaved 30 minutes off of my original 10 mile time. I choked back a sob. I think I scared the poor girl next to me. I have really come sooooo far.
The second was that the moment that I have been waiting for during the Olympics was about to start. Oscar Pistorius was about to qualify for the 400 (one lap around the track). For those of you who don't know, Oscar is a double amputee. He has competed and won in the paralympics, but has been fighting to compete in the World Olympics for 4 years. After they determined that the special prosthetics he wears do not actually provide an advantage, he is ready to compete. Truly inspiring he came in second in his heat. I was so excited for him that I almost fell off of the treadmill.
So when I was done I opted for a spin in the massage chair. I was still a little sore from Friday night's workout. It was a good plan in theory, except that I was so tired that I just sat in the chair for an extra 5 minutes because I couldn't get up.
Soon I was running home for a shower. I grabbed some lunch and then headed to Starbucks. It was time to sit down and focus. I have a new plan. I want to train hard for the Half, but there's something I want a little more. I want that certification! I want it NOW! So the plan has been pushed up. I am aiming for certification in October. That will give me a couple of months to get into a rhythm before the whole New Year's Resolution craze hits. I could also use the extra money to go visit my brother and sister-in-law during the holidays and meet my soon to be nephew. It's a good plan. I just need to get crackin.
I put in 2 and half hours and then my brain stopped working. It just kind of went on fuzzy. So I packed up and headed out for some groceries and then home to relax. I had wanted to start my Anatomy flash cards, but I had nothing left at that point. And I'm going to need them. I am completely fascinated by the complexity of the human body. Only God could create something this crazy haha.
Alright kids, it's been a long day and I am ready to watch some Track and Field. Have a Blessed Night.
Check out my Facebook Page for Confessions (there are before and work-in-progress pictures):
yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: @hugsnsmile
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