Going out to lunch with Ms. Barb...oh the Anxiety
Happy Friday Bleeps!
Yesterday Ms. Barb and I decided that we would go out for lunch today. It had been a little while since we had done so and it was time. The original plan was to go to our favorite Cosi. I was all over it at first and then this morning I started to think maybe it's not a good idea.
I love my Cosi. The salads are goooood, but they are so high in sodium. I love the sandwiches too. And there are 3 that are good for calories, sodium, and fat from calories. But, their bread is a little on the salty side. And right now I am battling the Sweets. So if I get something salty I know that I will immediately want to counter it with something sweet.
And then Miss Kerri suggested we go to The Fox and Hound. It's a nice bar/restaurant that I haven't been to in a while....and you may remember that she went there for lunch one day and came back smelling like a cheeseburger...mmm...cheeseburger.
I got online to look at the menu and offered it to Ms. Barb. Okay, they have a lunch $5.99 menu...fits the budget...and there's a grilled chicken sandwich on it...good. Okay, I will get that. hmm...it comes with fries....I will ask if there is a substitution (at least that's the plan anyway). That's when I should have closed the link.
Because shortly after I started moving around on it. There is no nutrition guide...not really surprised at that. But there is a beer batter chicken tender that has now peaked my interest. As has the big juicy cheeseburger. Oh HELLO! What is this? It's called the Black Forrest. It's a pretzel roll...you really don't need to go on after that. But, it has turkey, bacon, and monterey jack cheese. I think I just drooled.
Panic set in and I immediately thought "OMG I can't go there. There's no way. I will cave and have something." I do have an event this weekend that I have no control over so I am saving my cheat day for that. My normal plan is to look at the menu ahead of time and decide. That way I can avoid looking at the menu when I get there and resist temptation. However, I could not get past the pictures of the food...dang it. I thought she might kill me if I up and decided we couldn't go there. Normal people can go out to eat and not have this anxiety, but they aren't all food addicts. Taking a food addict to a place like this is like taking a gambler to a casino and telling them to stand in the middle of the room and play solitaire. Most people don't understand this.
We were planning on going a little early to avoid the Friday lunch crowd, but I still needed to eat my snacks before we left. This is good for metabolism and hopefully will make my brain read that I am a little fuller when I am done lunch. I had my cheese stick and carrots before we left.
We were discussing what we were going to get to eat on our way there. The Black Forrest came up and Ms. Barb questioned if she would like the pretzel roll...seriously? How can you question this? You don't have to ask me. I know that I will like it. It's not like you're slapping meat between two soft pretzels, but it's going to have that doughy saltiness that I adore so much.
When we were seated we opened the menus and the very first thing I saw was the cookie dessert. It's a six-inch chocolate chip cookie with two scoops of Vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup....um I think I died and went to heaven. "Let's split the cookie and skip lunch. No one has to know...no wait, let's each get our own!" Oh I seriously thought this and may have said this out loud. Okay, I did actually make this suggestion...in a joking way of course, but deep down I was hoping she would jump on board and talk me into it.
After I let that moment of craziness pass I flipped over to the appetizers. I have a crazy habit of ordering appetizers for my meal. The though process was generally that it's cheaper and smaller portions so therefore less calories...um...NOPE. The cheaper part is right, but it's generally something fried with little to no nutritional value. I still looked and saw the soft pretzel appetizer with queso sauce...Oh I want! There are four though. It's a great deal if you are out with friends for some drinks. For you lunch? Not such a hot idea.
I was good though. I got the grilled chicken sandwich. Now I should have only eaten half of the bun, but I ate the whole thing. There were fries, but I am excited that they really were a small portion. I did not actually ask for a substitution, as I was distracted by the multiple tvs with all different Olympics events on. Alas, I ate the fries. But, if that's the worst I did today I'm okay with it. I walked away full, but not stuffed. And I have some peanut butter on unsalted crackers for my afternooon snack.
So what Olympics were we watching you ask? I'm glad you did. First we were watching handball. I was a little mesmerized. I had not actually seen it before. I thought it was like raquetball, but really it's like water polo without the water (and don't say polo because there were no horses). And then I got to see The AMAZING Sanya Richards-Ross qualify for the 400m. Hot damn she smoked the field...on a wet field. I was secretly freaking out that someone was going to slip and fall, but no they all made it through. It was a joy to watch.
Have a Blessed Night.
****Please note****
If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.
Yesterday Ms. Barb and I decided that we would go out for lunch today. It had been a little while since we had done so and it was time. The original plan was to go to our favorite Cosi. I was all over it at first and then this morning I started to think maybe it's not a good idea.
I love my Cosi. The salads are goooood, but they are so high in sodium. I love the sandwiches too. And there are 3 that are good for calories, sodium, and fat from calories. But, their bread is a little on the salty side. And right now I am battling the Sweets. So if I get something salty I know that I will immediately want to counter it with something sweet.
And then Miss Kerri suggested we go to The Fox and Hound. It's a nice bar/restaurant that I haven't been to in a while....and you may remember that she went there for lunch one day and came back smelling like a cheeseburger...mmm...cheeseburger.
I got online to look at the menu and offered it to Ms. Barb. Okay, they have a lunch $5.99 menu...fits the budget...and there's a grilled chicken sandwich on it...good. Okay, I will get that. hmm...it comes with fries....I will ask if there is a substitution (at least that's the plan anyway). That's when I should have closed the link.
Because shortly after I started moving around on it. There is no nutrition guide...not really surprised at that. But there is a beer batter chicken tender that has now peaked my interest. As has the big juicy cheeseburger. Oh HELLO! What is this? It's called the Black Forrest. It's a pretzel roll...you really don't need to go on after that. But, it has turkey, bacon, and monterey jack cheese. I think I just drooled.
Panic set in and I immediately thought "OMG I can't go there. There's no way. I will cave and have something." I do have an event this weekend that I have no control over so I am saving my cheat day for that. My normal plan is to look at the menu ahead of time and decide. That way I can avoid looking at the menu when I get there and resist temptation. However, I could not get past the pictures of the food...dang it. I thought she might kill me if I up and decided we couldn't go there. Normal people can go out to eat and not have this anxiety, but they aren't all food addicts. Taking a food addict to a place like this is like taking a gambler to a casino and telling them to stand in the middle of the room and play solitaire. Most people don't understand this.
We were planning on going a little early to avoid the Friday lunch crowd, but I still needed to eat my snacks before we left. This is good for metabolism and hopefully will make my brain read that I am a little fuller when I am done lunch. I had my cheese stick and carrots before we left.
We were discussing what we were going to get to eat on our way there. The Black Forrest came up and Ms. Barb questioned if she would like the pretzel roll...seriously? How can you question this? You don't have to ask me. I know that I will like it. It's not like you're slapping meat between two soft pretzels, but it's going to have that doughy saltiness that I adore so much.
When we were seated we opened the menus and the very first thing I saw was the cookie dessert. It's a six-inch chocolate chip cookie with two scoops of Vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup....um I think I died and went to heaven. "Let's split the cookie and skip lunch. No one has to know...no wait, let's each get our own!" Oh I seriously thought this and may have said this out loud. Okay, I did actually make this suggestion...in a joking way of course, but deep down I was hoping she would jump on board and talk me into it.
After I let that moment of craziness pass I flipped over to the appetizers. I have a crazy habit of ordering appetizers for my meal. The though process was generally that it's cheaper and smaller portions so therefore less calories...um...NOPE. The cheaper part is right, but it's generally something fried with little to no nutritional value. I still looked and saw the soft pretzel appetizer with queso sauce...Oh I want! There are four though. It's a great deal if you are out with friends for some drinks. For you lunch? Not such a hot idea.
I was good though. I got the grilled chicken sandwich. Now I should have only eaten half of the bun, but I ate the whole thing. There were fries, but I am excited that they really were a small portion. I did not actually ask for a substitution, as I was distracted by the multiple tvs with all different Olympics events on. Alas, I ate the fries. But, if that's the worst I did today I'm okay with it. I walked away full, but not stuffed. And I have some peanut butter on unsalted crackers for my afternooon snack.
So what Olympics were we watching you ask? I'm glad you did. First we were watching handball. I was a little mesmerized. I had not actually seen it before. I thought it was like raquetball, but really it's like water polo without the water (and don't say polo because there were no horses). And then I got to see The AMAZING Sanya Richards-Ross qualify for the 400m. Hot damn she smoked the field...on a wet field. I was secretly freaking out that someone was going to slip and fall, but no they all made it through. It was a joy to watch.
Have a Blessed Night.
****Please note****
If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.
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