Planning ahead is my secret weapon
Hello My Lovelies and Gents,
Lots to discuss and only a short time to write it out so let's see how far I get.
First off, I'm not going to meet this week's goal of 35 miles. It was an aggressive goal. I knew that when I set it. It was truly contingent on a perfect week. But, as we all know, life happens. In my case I only got in 4 miles between Saturday and Sunday. I got my steps in and I got workouts in, I just didn't get my training miles in. That put me 9 miles behind. I will not adjust my goal. It just means that I don't get to reward myself this week. Boo.
So of course that made me want to really push it today. But, my body had other ideas. I got in 6 miles and I am happy with that. It would have been more, except that my blood sugar crashed at the halfway mark and I had nothing on me to fix it. The last 3 miles were a struggle. This is an important lesson in proper fitness nutrition...if only there was someone I could talk to about that.... (that is sarcastic in case you didn't know that I'm a sports nutrition specialist). Honestly I didn't eat bad, I just could have used some more carbs in my system yesterday to prepare.
After the gym I had a couple hours before I was due at church for Room in the Inn. I made sure to get a massage and of course I showered, but I also ran to the grocery store for a couple of things. First, I hit the salad bar for a nice spinach salad. I really craved my veggies. I also grabbed a packaged meal for lunch for tomorrow. It's never my first choice, but I know that I won't get home until late tonight and don't want to be rushing around planning lunch. I did that this morning and look what happened. The key to any successful Healthy Lifestyle is always planning ahead.
That brings me to a proposition made to me today. I was asked if I could watch a young boy for 3 hours in the afternoon on Mondays and Wednesdays. It has been torture since I was asked. If the offer came in two weeks ago the answer would have been yes with no question. Right now though, those are the two days that I need to be back at church at night and so they are the good days for multiple hours at the gym in the afternoon. They are my golden workout times. In short, I need them to get through the Half Marathon training...we are just 60 days away (CRAP why does February have to be so short???)
I'm most likely going to say yes because I need the money, but I really need to sit down and plan out my entire 2 month training schedule and see if I can get that time in somewhere else. Saturdays are my planned distance days. That can be moved to Sundays some times, but not always. I just need to be sure that I can get to distance days.
I'm doing really good now. I'm getting into a groove. I'm enjoying my workouts. I'm enjoying blogging again. I really really missed it. I like holding myself accountable to you. It also helps me get in the right mindset. For the longest time though I felt embarrassed. I thought I would have to change the name. I packed on extra pounds. And they came with baggage. Luckily for me, I've been successful and I know that I can get back to the former me. I just need some time, dedication, focus, support, and planning.
I also have another short term motivation. I have a wedding reception to go to in 3 weeks. It's pretty much going to be a swanky affair, at least I assume so since it's cousin Randy's and he's a swanky kind of guy. Lol. LOVE YOU RANDY!
I would like to avoid shopping at all costs. That has been a nightmare and super depressing. Is it possible to get into a dress that I already own without looking like a stuffed sausage? I mean most of my dresses are for summer. I do have one go to that I wore two years's a possibility. So cross your fingers and send all of your positive juju my way. I need to put it on the backside of my closet door so that I can see it every day to remind me that it's what I want to get into.
Alright my presence is needed so I will cut tonight short. That means when I get home tonight I can read and relax. YAY.
Don't forget to tell all of your friends that I'm running the race for St. Jude's and that any money they can donate to the cause is greatly appreciated. I still have $400 to go to meet my $500 goal. The funds go to help cure childhood cancer and to help cover expenses for the families of the children so that they don't have to worry about anything while their child is fighting for their life. It is my honor to be a St. Jude Hero.
Have a Blessed Evening,
If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.
yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: hugsnsmile
Instagram: Jennie5973
Lots to discuss and only a short time to write it out so let's see how far I get.
First off, I'm not going to meet this week's goal of 35 miles. It was an aggressive goal. I knew that when I set it. It was truly contingent on a perfect week. But, as we all know, life happens. In my case I only got in 4 miles between Saturday and Sunday. I got my steps in and I got workouts in, I just didn't get my training miles in. That put me 9 miles behind. I will not adjust my goal. It just means that I don't get to reward myself this week. Boo.
So of course that made me want to really push it today. But, my body had other ideas. I got in 6 miles and I am happy with that. It would have been more, except that my blood sugar crashed at the halfway mark and I had nothing on me to fix it. The last 3 miles were a struggle. This is an important lesson in proper fitness nutrition...if only there was someone I could talk to about that.... (that is sarcastic in case you didn't know that I'm a sports nutrition specialist). Honestly I didn't eat bad, I just could have used some more carbs in my system yesterday to prepare.
After the gym I had a couple hours before I was due at church for Room in the Inn. I made sure to get a massage and of course I showered, but I also ran to the grocery store for a couple of things. First, I hit the salad bar for a nice spinach salad. I really craved my veggies. I also grabbed a packaged meal for lunch for tomorrow. It's never my first choice, but I know that I won't get home until late tonight and don't want to be rushing around planning lunch. I did that this morning and look what happened. The key to any successful Healthy Lifestyle is always planning ahead.
That brings me to a proposition made to me today. I was asked if I could watch a young boy for 3 hours in the afternoon on Mondays and Wednesdays. It has been torture since I was asked. If the offer came in two weeks ago the answer would have been yes with no question. Right now though, those are the two days that I need to be back at church at night and so they are the good days for multiple hours at the gym in the afternoon. They are my golden workout times. In short, I need them to get through the Half Marathon training...we are just 60 days away (CRAP why does February have to be so short???)
I'm most likely going to say yes because I need the money, but I really need to sit down and plan out my entire 2 month training schedule and see if I can get that time in somewhere else. Saturdays are my planned distance days. That can be moved to Sundays some times, but not always. I just need to be sure that I can get to distance days.
I'm doing really good now. I'm getting into a groove. I'm enjoying my workouts. I'm enjoying blogging again. I really really missed it. I like holding myself accountable to you. It also helps me get in the right mindset. For the longest time though I felt embarrassed. I thought I would have to change the name. I packed on extra pounds. And they came with baggage. Luckily for me, I've been successful and I know that I can get back to the former me. I just need some time, dedication, focus, support, and planning.
I also have another short term motivation. I have a wedding reception to go to in 3 weeks. It's pretty much going to be a swanky affair, at least I assume so since it's cousin Randy's and he's a swanky kind of guy. Lol. LOVE YOU RANDY!
I would like to avoid shopping at all costs. That has been a nightmare and super depressing. Is it possible to get into a dress that I already own without looking like a stuffed sausage? I mean most of my dresses are for summer. I do have one go to that I wore two years's a possibility. So cross your fingers and send all of your positive juju my way. I need to put it on the backside of my closet door so that I can see it every day to remind me that it's what I want to get into.
Alright my presence is needed so I will cut tonight short. That means when I get home tonight I can read and relax. YAY.
Don't forget to tell all of your friends that I'm running the race for St. Jude's and that any money they can donate to the cause is greatly appreciated. I still have $400 to go to meet my $500 goal. The funds go to help cure childhood cancer and to help cover expenses for the families of the children so that they don't have to worry about anything while their child is fighting for their life. It is my honor to be a St. Jude Hero.
Have a Blessed Evening,
****Please note****
If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.
yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: hugsnsmile
Instagram: Jennie5973
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