Today was a good day

Hello Beautiful People,

Today was a good day. I had great client sessions. I had a light 3 mile walk on the treadmill. My Girls on the Run Girls finally had a great pacing day. I am no longer fearful that they will sprint for the first 30 seconds and then drop and crawl to the finish line. I ran 2 more miles with some of my girls. I did another mile with my client tonight. She has lost an inch in her waist since she started working with me. YEAH!

And, within 4 hours I got two interviews set up for part time positions, a new client consultation set up, and news that there may be another coming soon. It is all good stuff. All of those lady bugs are bringing me luck.

I am so happy with my 6 miles today. That puts me at 92 foot miles for October. I am 8 miles from 100. I got really worried that I might not make it. I have hit 100 miles every month since June. Some months I had 150. I don't know that my ego could accept anything less than 100. I had to remind myself that I also had my first 22 day. I had knee problems. I needed a little rest. But, I cannot accept that. I have challenged myself.

I know I can finish the marathon. It's in less than 6 weeks. I have to adjust my plan. I will not be able to run as much of it as I would have liked. I believe that I could actually do it at the time. What I am worried about is the aftermath. I walked most of the 22 a few weeks ago. And I have paid for that distance. I need my knees. I need to be able to walk. I can live without running for the rest of December, but I can't live with not being able to bend down.

I have to factor that in with my planning now. I still plan on running a little of it, but not nearly as much as I had hoped. So let's all buckle in for a long day. I'm prepared for it. Just 37 days to go. Oh holy crap that sounds so much closer than 5 weeks 2 days. I think I just peed I am a little nervous now.

Have a Blessed Evening

****Please note****

If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.


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