They had this really fat chick on stage with them, but man could she sing.

Hello my Lovelies and Gents,

So I couldn't decide what to talk about tonight. There were some things that I forgot to mention in last night's post, but I'll put them in Random Wednesday tomorrow.

I did arms tonight so I'm a little this may be a little quick. haha.

I've already established that I am a huge sports fan. I am generally watching a game every night #donttakeespnawayfromme.  I have mentioned that I listen to ESPN radio on my way in to work every morning (and while I am at work too). I prefer national shows to local shows.  I don't really like some of the local guys, but I still listen to them on my way home to find out what I missed during the day.

On my way home tonight two guys were discussing music and concerts. Cause you know I turn into these shows to listen to former baseball players talk about their favorite concerts. Get to the good stuff guys!  Anyway, one of the guys was mentioning that the song that was playing was the best song that he has ever heard at a concert. It was a Rolling Stones song. "They had this really fat chick on stage with them, but man could she sing."

Hold the phones!  WTF! A) what was the point of that? B) why is he so surprised that a fat person can sing? C) What an A-Hole!

I'm sorry, you know don't get cross on here, but that really fired me up. Why is it acceptable to say that? Let's just substitute other adjectives could be used if the situation was different:

"They had this really brown eyed chick on stage with them, but man she could sing."

"They had this really gay chick on stage with them, but man she could sing."

"They had this chick with one arm on stage with them, but man she could sing."

"They had this really tall on stage with them, but man she could sing."

"They had this really bald on stage with them, but man she could sing."

"They had this real Asian chick on stage with them, but man she could sing." 

Nope, can't see that happening. But, calling out a woman, who he obviously remembers as talented, for her weight it totally acceptable. Except that it's not. It's So not!

What does her weight have to do with her ability to sing? Nothing.  Why did he have to use "fat" to describe her at all?  Someone can get in trouble for commenting on someone's race or sexuality, and yet the negative connotation associated with being overweight is perfectly fine.  That's just wrong.

Here's a tip: Unless I specifically ask you how much someone weighs, I don't need that description.  Stick to their talents and accomplishments.  Thank you.

I think I'll be listening to music on my way home for a while.

Have a Blessed Night.

I signed up with Run for Autism again :-)

****Please note****

If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.


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