I'm tired just looking at this week's schedule

Holla for Friday!

Well that was a LOOOOOOONG Week!  It was physically exhausting and mentally exhausting.  I could not be happier that the weekend is here. Maybe, just maybe, I can get a breather.

It's crunch time for the race next weekend and in all honesty practically every second leading up to it is planned out. It would figure that my schedule is full right now. But, that's why I always plan ahead. Google calendar is my best friend right now. I fill in everything including scheduled workouts. And it's linked to my phone so not only do I get email reminders, but I get alerts on my phone.

I had my full week planned and then got thrown a curve ball last night. I was asked if I could pick up my cousin on the way down to DC Thursday night. Simple answer: No. Her college is just too far out of the way. I just plain did not have time for that. But, I offered that if she could take a bus to closer to me then I could pick her up and take her with me. She said that she could do that. The problem: her bus gets in a little after 2. I don't get off work until 5. Normally I could skip a lunch or two and and leave a little early. Next week, well that's not an option.

I have Bible study on Monday. I have not been able to attend at all this year and I need that for me. Tuesday I am the point person for a Webinar on Blood Pressure. Wednesday I am walking with Ms. Tracey. Normally I might push this off, but I need to pack and get ready Wednesday night. I have a church dinner and discussion on the calendar that night too. As much as it pains me, I might need to skip that. If it wasn't such a long drive home after it wouldn't be such an issue. I am going to try packing as much as I can this weekend, but I don't think that will be enough. Thursday is yoga and this is the week that I need it most.

So what do I do about Thursday? I can't let her sit there for 3 hours. I thought outside the box. I asked if it would be okay to leave at 3 and log in for a couple of hours Friday morning (before we head in to the expo to pick up the race packets). It was approved. And I let out a big giant sigh.

I don't like to have my schedule this full. I do like to have a breather. Especially after this past week. I got overwhelmed this week. There was just too much going on. I was tired physically from Tuesday's training day. I was tired mentally from Wednesday's study day. And I was tired emotionally from yesterday's blog post. That stirred up a lot that I haven't dealt with in a long time. So much so that last night when I got home from the gym I boycotted everything. I didn't study. I didn't read. I didn't knit. I just vegged out. I needed that. I could use a little more of that actually.  Not sure when that's going to happen though.

I have a 5K in the morning. Then I have a small study session scheduled before I head over to Grandmom's new digs. It's moving day for her! I had offered to help with the furniture move, but was told that I was on organizing duty. No need to risk an injury. I'm okay with that!

Sunday I have church and then choir practice. Then I have some more studying. But Sunday is also chore day. I need to do laundry and prepare my food for the week.  I also need to go get some of the groceries for that food prep.

Monday and Tuesday night at the gym will be light followed by a massage. I got one tonight and my calves were soooooo sore. So I will have as many massages as possible. I need my muscles to loosen up.

I'm getting tired just thinking of this. haha.

It's really important for me to plan things out so that I get a good balance. If my goal is for 4 workouts, then I will put 5 on my schedule. That way if something comes up I know that I have it covered on another day. The same goes with my studying. I need to put extra time in the schedule in case something comes up.

I really want to know what I did with all of my time before? Seriously? A person can only watch so much TV. But, that's what the Former Fat Girl did.  Monday night I got home from the flower show at 5:30. I didn't know what to do with all of that time. It was such a bonus!  I cherish my free time now.  I no longer abuse it.

Have a Blessed Night.

Don't forget my Fundraising for Autism Research:


****Please note****

If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.



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