Woo Woo for Random Wednesday

Can I get a WOO WOO for Random Wednesday!

All day long I would think of things and say "Oh that's going to be tonight's post!" and then five minutes later I said the same thing about something else. So you know what that means: Random Wednesday!

First off, MAJOR props to Ms. Lady Gaga! In case you haven't seen, Lady Gaga has recently been criticized for gaining 20 lbs. She looks beautiful!  So many women would kill to look like her as she is and she was getting slammed for it.  She has also admitted to being anorexic and bulimic since she was 15. So what if she gained 20lbs? Who the heck are these people that they feel they have any right to comment on this?  What is wrong with them???  This made me so furious. Who are these people that have decided that all women should be 20lbs underweight?  First, that's so unattractive. Second, that's so unhealthy both physically and emotionally. Third, SCREW YOU!

Ms. Gaga is leading the body revolution and women all over the world are putting pictures of their bodies out there on twitter. *STANDING OVATION LADIES* 

I am a study-o-holic this week.  I got behind and now I have given myself an incentive. If I can catch up this weekend then I will treat myself to the new Dave Matthews Band CD. Woo Woo!  I haven't given myself an incentive in a while.

Today I was studying about motivating clients. This has been my big fear. No one knows more about this than I do. No matter what I say, if my clients aren't ready then they aren't going to listen.  What if I can't help motivate people? What if I fail them? :-(  I need a new chapter!

So okay, I have a guilty pleasure. I am addicted to Say Yes To the Dress!  I can't help it.  Ironic, since I'm the girl who doesn't plan on getting married. Doesn't mean I don't like to window shop.  It always hurts when a "bigger" girl comes in.  They make a big deal about how they don't make all of the dresses in larger sizes. They even came up with show dedicated to the bigger girls. Well color me happy, we got our own show!

Last week there was a woman on who had lost 70lbs. She wanted to show off her figure. Her mom sat behind her saying that she wasn't thin enough to pull off the dresses that she loved. Her mom said she still had to lose more weight. I was so mad!  This woman lost 70lbs!  She was getting married (again, but that's another story). She was happy.  And here was her mother making comments about her weight..ON TV!  Seriously, it's no wonder that so many girls have eating disorders.

Several times over the last couple of weeks Gym Buddy Lisa has mentioned that going to the gym was easier when she had a gym buddy.  We will be reunited shortly, but it is so true. Knowing that someone else is going keeps me from bailing. I miss her!

It's shout out time!

Happy Weight Watchers Wednesday!  You know who you are!

Happy first day of Half Marathon training day!  WOO WOO

Okay, I still have more to say, but it's past my pumpkin time and I need to get to bed. Tomorrow will be a tad stressful at work so I need to decompress. I got a late start tonight because of the season premiere of Modern Family. Couldn't have any distractions during that. lol.

Have a Blessed Night my friends.

Check out my Facebook Page for Confessions (there are before and work-in-progress pictures):


yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: @hugsnsmile


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