Exactly how many pounds does the camera add? 10? 20? 50?

Hello Beautiful People,

One more day until the weekend. HOLLA!  It is a seven day weekend right?  That would just about take care of my To-do list.  Alas, I will have to do with only getting a partial amount done.

Alright, so let's talk pictures. I'm hoping to work on my Rock'n'Roll scrapbook this weekend. Between myself and Danielle (2 cameras and a phone) we had about 200 pictures. So you can imagine that it took a bit of time to edit them.  Some pictures were the same just one from each camera.  It was nice to have options to choose from.

Narrowing it down to an acceptable number to print and post took a little while.  For the most part there were a lot of great pictures.  But, as with any person looking there were a whole bunch of "Ewww delete that one.  I look FAT!" ones.  It depended on the angle and the time of day.  The later in the day the more bloated my body was. I was drinking water all along the course and I was sweating.  Although according to my Uncle Tommy he couldn't believe how much I wasn't sweating (it was all happening below the neck...don't you worry). Besides I was carrying it all in my belly.  I looked pregnant in a couple of the shots.

I tried sucking in as much as possible on full body shots, but you can only hold that for so long. And the last thing that I wanted to do was pass out or get lightheaded.

I was really excited about the outfit that I wore. It totally accentuated my arms. And I'll be honest, I'm obsessed with the picture of me eating after the race. It's taken from above and my shoulders look SWEET! My legs look awesome.  I look tiny and cute! I am a little vain about that one.  I seriously can't stop looking at it.

So the top was cut nice. It was good for my arms and a little snug on the belly. That always means I have to go with a looser bottom. The shorts that I wore were a neon yellow mesh. They made my legs look awesome and from the front they were great. But, some shots from the side definitely showed the belly roll. I cried when I saw them.  Some might have watched that and thought I was teary eyed over the day, but that's not the case.  I was teary eyed because I looked horrible.

My new running belt didn't exactly help the situation. It seemed to cut into my protruding belly in some of the pictures. Bah!

Last week at the Turn the Riverfront Pink 5K I asked Severina to take my picture. When I saw her taking a full body shot.  I was horrified and screaming "What are you doing???? Don't you know the rules? From the boobs up woman!!!!"  Now the fact that I actually liked the picture and thought I looked good still didn't mask the "full shot" horror on sunday when I saw Danielle taking the full body shots. It's a good thing I'm wearing sunglasses because you can't see the terror in my eyes.

One day I'm going to be happy with all of my pictures....well a girl can dream can't she?

Alright kids, The Office is coming on in a little bit and I must prepare.

Have a Blessed Night.

Check out my Facebook Page for Confessions (there are before and work-in-progress pictures):


yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: @hugsnsmile


  1. I always look good in my facebook photos because I only post the good ones! Full body shots take practice! I watch Top Model and learn secrets from Tyra Banks. Try working on this pose that made me look as skinny as Hannah! Of course cutie pie in the middle has all the sass :) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150854321262005&set=t.537966650&type=3&theater


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