Random Wednesday: Desserts, Raking Leaves, and Lady Gifts

Happy Random Wednesday,

I had time tonight between an appointment and Bible Study. I stopped at Starbucks to do some work. Today was the first day of the buy one get one free for the holiday drinks. That meant that all of the new holiday products are out. The Cranberry Bliss bars are back…oh how I wanted one.
I didn’t get one because I used my free drink on the brand spanking new Chestnut Praline frap. Oh yummy. I have to hit the weights hard tomorrow. Just sayin.


Fall is here and leaves are on the ground. I miss raking leaves. That was my deal growing up. I hated it at the time, but oh I would do it again. I was completely out of shape when I did it. My arms would kill me for days. My legs would kill me for days. I would love to do it now. I am in such better shape.


Tonight was our last Bible study of the year. We are breaking for the Holidays. This study has been mostly a video study so tonight we got to discuss the past 10 weeks. That means that tonight was full of desserts. OMG there were soooo many. Cookies galore.  Mini cupcakes.  Cookies. Cookies.  And more Cookies.


Last week the funniest thing happened. I will change the names to protect the innocent, but it’s funny because it is TOTALLY something I would do. Basically when I heard I laughed so hard it counted as my core workout.
A friend of mine has two sons. One was home sick much of last week.  Her other son got sent home because he got sick at school.
It’s not what you think. A girl at school fell and landed in dog poo. He saw that and then threw up in the bushes.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha I’m still laughing. It’s classic ME.


One of my favorite things about Marathon is the running community. There is a facebook page for it and you can tell when it’s getting closer. The posts start popping up every hour. Today I posted something. I asked anyone who is still in the area to come back and cheer on the back of the packers. 
The response was awesome. And I found some people who anticipate a  finish in my time so we are going to try and meet up. We can’t run together since we haven’t trained, but we know to look out for each other on the course.


Yesterday was a holiday and that meant schools were closed. That also meant no Girls on the Run. I missed my girls.


Marathon training means running in the hot, the cold, the light, the dark, the dry, the wet, and when your lady gift comes and all you want to do is lay in bed. Today was one of those days. I went for a run and then wanted to eat every dessert on the planet. Grr.

Have a Blessed Evening.

Check out my
Facebook Page for Confessions (there are before and work-in-progress pictures):


yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: hugsnsmile

Instagram: Jennie5973


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