Random Wednesday: Bloomin Onions, Mexican, and Portion Control
Happy Random Wednesday Bleeps!
I want to apologize for taking so long between posts. I thought things would be better once my schedule freed up a little. But, the truth is that for so many years I was tied to a computer for 8 hours a day. It's been quite delightful not to be anymore.
I've also tried to keep things as scheduled and organized as possible, but things come up and my schedule goes out the window. I'll try really hard to get back into this after the cruise. I miss it.
So speaking of the cruise..do you know what's happening while I'm on it? Starbucks is having their Frappacino Happy hour all week...it's probably a good thing I will be out of the country. Although there is one in Nassau when we are swimming with the Dolphins...
Last Friday I took my car in for it's state inspection. It's free at the Dealer where I got it so I went to the old gym after. It was neat to go back. I was excited to hit up my favorite butt machine and the triceps press.
I got in a great workout and would have gone longer except that I started to get hungry. Really hungry. I had a protein bar, but it was past lunch time and I still needed a shower.
At my regular gym the showers have shower curtains. At the former gym there were frosted shower doors. I always got a little embarrassed seeing silhouettes in there and this time it would be me. I don't think anyone came in and saw, but I was a big girl and sucked it up.
I also used the gym hair dryer. It was my cruise preview. I'm not taking mine since the hotel and cabin will have them. It's not ideal, but I made it work. I'm pretty fabulous after all.
I am currently in Virginia at my mom's. I packed up my car and headed down after spending the day with Ms. Bibble. And when I say that I packed my car, I mean it. I am in the process of bringing everything down here to eventually move to North Carolina soon. I don't have much to go, but this trip included 2 very heavy bins. I really pulled my shoulder carrying them down the stairs yesterday morning. I was very sore all day.
I had originally planned on a weights day at the gym today, but I changed my mind after that. Then I thought it would be okay to run today. But, the movement of pumping my arms back and forth aggravated it. I tested it just walking around the living room and it was not gonna happen. So I switched to yoga.
My last post was about my anxiety over the food on the cruise. I've been flipping back and forth. I want to enjoy myself, but I don't want to feel gross or guilty. I have 6 nights of dinner. I think if I splurge on a couple of those nights I will feel okay. 2 out of 6 ain't bad.
The name of the game Tuesday was PORTIONS.
Ms. Bibble and I went to Outback for lunch. It was just the two of us and we opted for a bloomin' onion to start. I had originally picked it because of the buffalo chicken sandwich. But, that would be tooooo much for my belly in one sitting. So I didn't get it.
A funny thing happened though. We didn't like the bloomin' onion. We were trying to decide if it wasn't cooked right or if it was just that we didn't like fried foods any more. The good thing is that once we decided that we didn't like it we stopped eating it. The former fat girl would have finished it anyway. Sadly I had a few more bites after I finished my burger, but we still left most of it on the plate. Unfortunately, I was burping it up all day after. *I did go get tums for the cruise today because of that*
For dinner that night I went out to Carrabbas with mom. I got the wood grilled chicken with a house salad and seasonal veggies. We got the 'large' plates so that we would eat half and take half home. It was a great lunch today :-)
Last week I was trying on tankini and I didn't have a good time in the fitting room. I found a beautiful tankini top so it was successful, but I was reminded of something. I'm petite, but still not dainty. And I never will be. I lift weights. I love them. I am a beast with push ups. I love them. The result is that I have broad shoulders. From behind they aren't so girly. I'll live though cause I won't ever stop lifting.
It's been a few weeks since I got sick. I know it wasn't the food that made me sick. It was the stomach virus from the girls. But, it was two meals of mexican that I threw up. I have not had mexican or southwest mex in 3 weeks. It's like invasion of the body snatchers. Who am I? I can't wait until I don't cringe when I drive by a those places. I want to want them again. Even the burritos and quesadillas in the frozen food section made me queasy.
Have a Blessed Night
Check out my Facebook Page for Confessions (there are before and work-in-progress pictures):
yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: hugsnsmile
Instagram: Jennie5973
I want to apologize for taking so long between posts. I thought things would be better once my schedule freed up a little. But, the truth is that for so many years I was tied to a computer for 8 hours a day. It's been quite delightful not to be anymore.
I've also tried to keep things as scheduled and organized as possible, but things come up and my schedule goes out the window. I'll try really hard to get back into this after the cruise. I miss it.
So speaking of the cruise..do you know what's happening while I'm on it? Starbucks is having their Frappacino Happy hour all week...it's probably a good thing I will be out of the country. Although there is one in Nassau when we are swimming with the Dolphins...
Last Friday I took my car in for it's state inspection. It's free at the Dealer where I got it so I went to the old gym after. It was neat to go back. I was excited to hit up my favorite butt machine and the triceps press.
I got in a great workout and would have gone longer except that I started to get hungry. Really hungry. I had a protein bar, but it was past lunch time and I still needed a shower.
At my regular gym the showers have shower curtains. At the former gym there were frosted shower doors. I always got a little embarrassed seeing silhouettes in there and this time it would be me. I don't think anyone came in and saw, but I was a big girl and sucked it up.
I also used the gym hair dryer. It was my cruise preview. I'm not taking mine since the hotel and cabin will have them. It's not ideal, but I made it work. I'm pretty fabulous after all.
I am currently in Virginia at my mom's. I packed up my car and headed down after spending the day with Ms. Bibble. And when I say that I packed my car, I mean it. I am in the process of bringing everything down here to eventually move to North Carolina soon. I don't have much to go, but this trip included 2 very heavy bins. I really pulled my shoulder carrying them down the stairs yesterday morning. I was very sore all day.
I had originally planned on a weights day at the gym today, but I changed my mind after that. Then I thought it would be okay to run today. But, the movement of pumping my arms back and forth aggravated it. I tested it just walking around the living room and it was not gonna happen. So I switched to yoga.
My last post was about my anxiety over the food on the cruise. I've been flipping back and forth. I want to enjoy myself, but I don't want to feel gross or guilty. I have 6 nights of dinner. I think if I splurge on a couple of those nights I will feel okay. 2 out of 6 ain't bad.
The name of the game Tuesday was PORTIONS.
Ms. Bibble and I went to Outback for lunch. It was just the two of us and we opted for a bloomin' onion to start. I had originally picked it because of the buffalo chicken sandwich. But, that would be tooooo much for my belly in one sitting. So I didn't get it.
A funny thing happened though. We didn't like the bloomin' onion. We were trying to decide if it wasn't cooked right or if it was just that we didn't like fried foods any more. The good thing is that once we decided that we didn't like it we stopped eating it. The former fat girl would have finished it anyway. Sadly I had a few more bites after I finished my burger, but we still left most of it on the plate. Unfortunately, I was burping it up all day after. *I did go get tums for the cruise today because of that*
For dinner that night I went out to Carrabbas with mom. I got the wood grilled chicken with a house salad and seasonal veggies. We got the 'large' plates so that we would eat half and take half home. It was a great lunch today :-)
Last week I was trying on tankini and I didn't have a good time in the fitting room. I found a beautiful tankini top so it was successful, but I was reminded of something. I'm petite, but still not dainty. And I never will be. I lift weights. I love them. I am a beast with push ups. I love them. The result is that I have broad shoulders. From behind they aren't so girly. I'll live though cause I won't ever stop lifting.
It's been a few weeks since I got sick. I know it wasn't the food that made me sick. It was the stomach virus from the girls. But, it was two meals of mexican that I threw up. I have not had mexican or southwest mex in 3 weeks. It's like invasion of the body snatchers. Who am I? I can't wait until I don't cringe when I drive by a those places. I want to want them again. Even the burritos and quesadillas in the frozen food section made me queasy.
Have a Blessed Night
Check out my Facebook Page for Confessions (there are before and work-in-progress pictures):
yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: hugsnsmile
Instagram: Jennie5973
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