Did I keep my 2013 Resolutions?

Hello my Beautiful People!

I have missed you so much, but I have also really enjoyed my Christmas Vacation (even though I had to work during some if it).  I have so much to tell you. I will probably spend most of my New Year's Day documenting it for you. So much fun was had. I made some good healthy choices and some not so healthy choices. I stepped on the scale this morning though and I haven't gained anything (which surprised the heck out of me to be frank) so we'll call it a win.

It's that time of year for New Year's Resolutions. For the past couple of years I have documented mine the blog and then I like to go back over and see how I did. Join me for my review of what I wanted to accomplish in 2013:

1. I will get my Personal Trainer Certification!  DONE!!!!

2. I am going to incorporate yoga into my weekly schedule. I throw it in every now and then, and I've talked about adding it regularly, but I have yet to do so. The good news is that I just found a groupon for 10 sessions. - That didn't happen on a regular basis, but more often then not. So it's a good one.

3. I am going to focus on making a new healthy recipe every other week. I need to switch it up and introduce new things into my diet. I was actually thinking of going Vegetarian for a couple of weeks and seeing how that works out for me. But, don't hold me to that last part. I like my chicken too much. - I started off strong here. I did pretty much stick to vegetarian for weekdays. I lost some steam, but I also found a bunch of recipes that I liked and used over and over.

4. I'm going to put it out there. I want that full marathon this year! - Didn't happen this year, but I did get in 3 Halves and 14 5ks.

5. I am going to lose the damn belly! -It's on it's way out.

And for a little fun

6. I am going to get Tony Stewart to call me. I have been thinking of going viral with a "Call Me Maybe" video for him. Haha....sigh I heart him. - That did not happen...however, I can still hold out hope untit Midnight...TONY STEWART CALL ME!

So now let's look forward to 2014. New Year's Resolutions are traditionally for improvements and breaking bad habits. My whole life right now revolves around both of those. So we're going to change things up. I'm not making Resolutions this year, but I am making a 2014 plan.

1. Become a Full-Time Personal Trainer

2. Move back to Charlotte in the Spring

3. Wear a bikini on my Caribbean Cruise.

4. Finish a Full Marathon (As I registered today that plan is in motion!)

5. And because I have been saying this forever, I want to learn how to knit something besides scarves.  Knitting relaxes me...and I need that.

6. And since I will be moving back to Nascar country, I am going to get Tony Stewart to call me!!!

I can't believe how amazing 2013 was for me...on this my 40th year on earth...I can only imagine how much more amazing it's going to be in 2014.

Thank you so much for all of your support and encouragement throughout the years. It has meant more to me than you will ever know. I wish only the best for you and your families this upcoming year.

Have a Blessed Night

Pledges for the Polar Plunge for Delaware Special Olympics can be made here:


****Please note****

If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.



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