The countdown to 50 in 2023 begins.
Hello my Lovelies and Gents,
I wish you knew how often I compose posts in my head. I think of posting daily, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I honestly don't even open my laptop every week. I blame my iPad. LOL. And that's not okay because my laptop is just over a year old and barely used. There are so many excuses that I could make, but instead, I choose to just start over fresh. I have spent weeks contemplating starting a brand new blog to rebrand myself, but I have decided not to do that. I'm just going to dedicate myself to weekly posts. I have even come up with some themes. I will share them a little later.
So what's going on with me? Well, I am still a vegetarian. I am still a Personal Trainer. I am still a Pre-school teacher. I am still taking Swedish language lessons daily. And today I turned 49. ACK! I can't believe I just said that. I've been doing a lot of reflecting on that and I decided to make the next year My Road to 50. I'm going to reclaim myself mentally and physically. Who knows, maybe if I do a great job documenting it then someone will sponsor a Birthday trip to Sweden. Dare I dream?
I know what you are thinking. Jennie, you have barely posted over the past few years. What could have happened to prompt this? There are quite a few things actually. Firstly, I have made a concerted effort to put myself first. I am really focusing on self-care. I am focusing on my body. I am back into a regular physical routine that makes me feel better. That includes holding myself accountable and highlighting my Personal Training Certification. I want to expand who I am sharing my knowledge and experience with.
Secondly, a couple of weeks ago we FINALLY got to see Billy Joel in concert. We purchased the tickets in October 2019. I went with my college roommate, Laura. We had seen him together back at Syracuse in 1993. As we were taking pictures we were laughing that we might look better now than we did back then. The concert was Amazing by the way. I should write a whole post just on that weekend alone. Fun Fact: Today is also Billy Joel's Birthday. Happy Birthday, Billy!
Thirdly, this past weekend I finally completed the Great Closet Cleanout of 2022 that I have been planning for months. I usually swap out summer and winter clothes. Lately, I have been switching out clothes that fit when I moved back to Charlotte and clothes that fit now. It is unbelievably depressing. I can't remember fitting into such tiny clothes. I refuse to get rid of them and I vow that I will be back in them by the time I turn 50 next year. Mark my words! (and then take me to Sweden!)
Lastly, Ted Lasso. If you haven't watched it yet, I cannot recommend it enough. I have watched each episode dozens of times. It has really helped me mentally over the past year. I decided to use a lesson from each episode to focus on and draw the parallels to reclaiming and maintaining good health. I won't be recapping the entire episode, but rather I will focus on one quote, theme, or scenario that resonated with me.
Thank you to everyone for your Birthday love today. I was exhausted yesterday and I had an early morning client. I fell asleep around 8:15 last night. Feeling my age. LOL. No, I think that was just my body screaming NO MORE! I need a break.
Have a Blessed Evening,
yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: hugsnsmile
Instagram: Jennie5973
Happy Birthday Jennie! You're doing great. Keep up the good work!