F&%K it's Hot! Drink your water!

Hello Beautiful People,

It's me again. My week's schedule is crazy, but I will fall back into my old patterns if I don't start writing now. Frankly, this is an important post. 

Are you enjoying the heat? I'm ready to move to the North Pole. You know I will ask you if you are staying hydrated. I cannot stress enough how important this is, especially now. So many people are dehydrated and don't realize it. I promise you that you will feel better and have more energy. How often are you peeing throughout the day? Check the color. The clearer the better.  I'll let you in on a little tip. I use a frozen Gatorade as my lunch icepack. When I get in my car and it registers 100 degrees it's a great time to open it and drink what has melted. I am an Orange Gatorade girl. 

I know it sounds like a chore and no one wants to be told to drink more water, but it is very important for your body on a regular day, especially during these extreme heat waves. And everyone is experiencing that at the moment. 

Water helps cool your body's core temperature. If you are hot, drink cold water. It helps to keep your organs functioning properly. Think of your kidneys. OH oh think of your skin. Want to look younger? Drink more water.

I don't want to get gross, but water helps with your poop. If you're constipated or struggle, make sure you are drinking your water. It will soften it. 

The heat sucks and it can affect your brain. Perhaps you heard of the study that says that when it's hot you tend to use shorter words. Have you noticed problems with your memory this summer? Between perimenopause, the heat, and stress I have been struggling. I legit forgot my pin number for 24 hours. I've struggled finding words. I know that I am not drinking enough water. I'm hydrated, but I could do a lot better. Today I was trying to say "Carpet Shampooer". I said "Sharpet Campooer". Literally I'm done with this heat. 

And I swear the heat has seriously affected my flirting game. On Wednesdays, I stop at Dunkin Donuts after preschool on my way to a client. We usually start our sessions with a walk (not in this severe heat though). The DD run is my treat for making it halfway through the week. Sometimes I get iced coffee. Sometimes I get a frozen coffee. Sometimes I get a giant unsweetened Blueberry Iced Tea. That sounds amazing, doesn't it? Anyway, this past Wednesday I was walking in. I was wearing my earpods and most importantly a Phillies hat. Out walks this BEAUTIFUL tall chocolate drink of a man and he says something to me. I'm pretty sure that he asked if I was from Philly. I pulled out my earpod and he said "Go Phillies". I got STUPID. I yelled back "I LOVE THEM!" um...what? Girl get yourself together. I faceplanted in my hand and kept walking. I need a cooler day. 

This Spring I bought a beautiful daisy print water bottle. I loved this bottle. I was forced to throw it out when I was in Washington D.C. I'm still mad about it. But, last month I randomly got a check in the mail from State Farm. I happened to be going to Carowinds the next day. So I got the Tervis Snoopy Water Bottle. If you have a water bottle you love then it's easier to keep drinking water. 

It doesn't have to be boring. Go ahead and make it fancy. Put some fruit in it. In this heat, having a drink with electrolytes handy is not a bad idea. If you are just opposed to drinking water then eat some fruit: melons and grapes. If you don't like fruit then eat some soup that's broth based. 

Tomorrow I will be walking around Uptown Charlotte with Hit the Streets. We pass out food, clothing, and hygiene products to anyone in need. It's hot and physically exhausting. I try to make sure that I'm super hydrated going in. There are very few options for going to the bathroom if I'm too hydrated so it's a fine line for how much I drink that day. I definitely try to make sure I drink plenty of water in the days leading up. Two weeks ago I was pounding water and just sweating it out. My body was doing its job. I had enough water in it to sweat and the sweat is my body producing sweat to cool it down. 

Okay, the lecture is over. I've had a mentally exhausting day and I'm watching the WNBA All-Star game. 

I leave for vacation next weekend so I'll try to write a post with some recipes before I leave.

I appreciate you.


****Please note****

If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support.


Check out my Facebook Page for Confessions (there are before and work-in-progress pictures):


yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)

Don't forget to follow me on 
Twitter: hugsnsmile
Instagram: Jennie5973
Threads: Jennie5973


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