Thanksgiving Survival Plan

Hello Beautiful People,

Thanksgiving is coming up this week. Do you have your survival plan?

Here are some of the best tips that I have accrued over the years:

* Wear something with a waist, avoid elastic waist pants
*Sign up for a Turkey Trot or schedule a family walk before your dinner (let's face it, it's mighty hard to motivate people to go for a walk afterwards)
* If you are not the host, offer to bring a Vegetable side or garden salad
* If you are not the host, offer to clean up
* If you are cooking the dinner, put out a veggie tray to snack on during the day
* Make sure you eat breakfast. "Saving room" doesn't actually work and only makes you hungrier.
* Drink water and hydrate all day
* When it's time to fill your plate, fill at least half with vegetables (candied yams and Mashed potatoes don't count...go for the greens)
* Pick white meat over dark
* Biscuits, mashed potatoes, and *stuffing are fine. Just keep them in moderation (unless I am there, in which case you should put all mashed potatoes on my plate)
* Before you go up for seconds, sit for a few minutes. If you are still hungry, fill your plate with veggies.
* Avoid creamy dressings on your salad.
* Minimize casseroles. Moderation is fine, but chances are you should just stay away.
*Desserts...Factor that in. If you really want a piece, make it a serving size and remember that you want it when you go for seconds of turkey.

I have done posts before on the calorie count of Thanksgiving dinner. Your average daily calorie intake should be in the 1500-2200 range depending on activity level. A Thanksgiving dinner can average 4500 calories. That is 3 days worth of calories. Consider that when you have leftovers.

Don't stress out over Thanksgiving dinner. The most important thing is that family time, not the food :-)  I am going to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving with the nephews. Quite frankly, I would be happy to sit on the floor and eat peanut butter and jelly with those cutie pies.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Have a Blessed Evening
****Please note****

 If you feel like you are alone on your journey and you just need some encouragement I am here for you! Shoot me an email and I will do my best to check in on you or give you the words of support you need several times a week. The journey is so much easier if you have support. 
Check out my Facebook Page for Confessions (there are before and work-in-progress pictures):


yeah, sorry, I messed up and the "l" is missing....I need an assistant :-)

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: hugsnsmile
Instagram: Jennie5973


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